Daktari Knowledge base
Daktari is currently available for download and subscription everywhere in Africa (Mobile Money with Orange Money and MTN Money available in West Africa (BETA Pilot Version).
Customer Support
Android Daktari MD Version: 17 (4.0.1)
Requires: Android 10.0 and up
Latest BETA release: 23 May, 2024
Size: 8.7M
Available: Google Play Store
Available: Apple Store
Parent’s Account Registration
1. Download and Install the App on your Android
2. Create your account
3. Check your email and click on the Activate Account button
4. Access your account and start to configure My Daktari.
Account Configuration
1. Add your Child or Children
2. Select your preferred subscription
3. You are ready to start a consultation!
Manage your consultation
Option 1: Pay As You Go
You have 1 consultation per child with 4 follow-up questions. Once the Pediatrician has answered your 4th question, the consultation has ended. For your next consultation, simply select the Pay As You Go option again, or upgrade to the monthly subscription.
Option 2: Monthly Subscription
You have 10 consultations with 4 follow-up questions per consultation. Once the Pediatrician has answered your 4th question, the consultation has ended. The monthly subscription option is convenient for a family with two children or more.
Track your consultation
Waiting for a response
Stage when you submit your first question.
Consultation in progress
Stage when you have received at least one response from the Pediatrician and you have submitted a follow-up question.
Consultation completed
Stage when the Pediatrician has answered your 4th question or when you choose to end the consultation before your maximum number of follow-up questions.
Manage your Child’s Profile
You may update at any point in time your child’s profile including notes on his/her allergies and medical history if any.
This will enable the Pediatrician to review your child’s profile in addition to your detailed question(s) and provide you with an answer.
Future versions of the App will provide the ability to upload documents and media when submitting your question(s).